Company ProfileSeba Foods Zambia Limited

Seba Foods Zambia Ltd, a subsidiary of 260 Brands, is a producer and supplier of maize and soya based consumer food products. It manufactures, markets and distributes a wide variety of nutritious and affordable products through well-known brands that include Golden Goodness, Seba’s Instant Thobwa, Seba’s HEPS (High Energy Protein Supplement) and Emilios, in Zambia, regionally and internationally.

Seba Foods Zambia has its own storage capacity of 16,000 MT, and the infrastructure to process raw soya and maize into a different  range of value-added products, including soya mince, soya strips, powdered beverages, porridge, soya cake and bran for livestock feed, maize grits, extruded snacks, and maize meal. It has two processing plants on its premises in Lusaka, one for the production of soya-based products and one for maize-based products.

Project Description

With support from EZCF, Seba Foods Zambia aims to;

  1. Diversify its portfolio of products and engage in the production of organic soya based products. To do this, they plan to set up an out-grower scheme of 12,000 organic soya beans smallholder farmers.
  2. Recruit and train smallholder farmers in organic soya bean production, provide inputs and establish a certification and internal control system (ICS).

Marketing, impact on people and the environment;

Seba Foods will work initially to organically certify 2,000 smallholder farmers who will serve as suppliers, scaling to 12,000 farmers over the next 3 years. They will encourage the 1,300 smallholder farmers they currently procure from to transition from conventional soya to organic production.

Seba Foods recently produced a sustainability policy that outlines its goals over the short- to medium-term for a positive environmental impact. Key sections of this policy include energy use, water use, air and noise pollution, as well as paper and recyclable material use.

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Target Smallholders


Target Jobs

2,000 new farmers