Financial supportApplication process

Call 3 of the ENTERPRISE Zambia Challenge Fund has CLOSED.
For a simple introduction to the application process, please watch the video.
ENTERPRISE Zambia Challenge Fund Information Sessions

If you missed the live information session for Call 3 guidelines, please access the recording here.

Click here for the ENTERPRISE Zambia Challenge Fund Call 3 information session presentation for potential applicants

Clarifications on Call 3: Questions and Responses.

In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must comply with all the criteria listed below:

Invitation to submit Expression of Interest for Aquaculture Window

Concept Note Template (Questions Guide Only not for submission)

Practical tips on writing a great application

Making the Business Case for Nutrition

The funding and application process will be as follows:

Submission of concept notes will be via an online application site. Applications will then be screened and assessed against the criteria in the Call Guidelines. Call Guidelines will be published when the application window opens. The application window will be open for around 55 days.

The Enterprise Zambia Challenge Fund is aiming to support projects put forward by small and medium sized agri-enterprises with business models that are integrating smallholder farmers into value chains as suppliers and/or customers. The agri-enterprises need to demonstrate how they are benefitting smallholder farmers. This may be through the establishment of a new activity or expansion of existing activities in specific or all nodes of the value chain.

  • Phase 1

    Call open for submission of concept notes

  • Phase 2

    Invitation to submit full proposals

  • Phase 3

    Pre-award assessment

  • Phase 4

    Awarding of funds

  • Phase 5

    Offer technical advisory services

  • Phase 6

    Implementation of projects by agri-enterprises

Financial supportEligibility

Lead Applicant Eligibility Criteria:

In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must comply with all the criteria listed below:

  • Must be an agri-enterprise involved in the production of food fiber, ranching and raising of livestock, aquaculture, agroforestry or other farming and agricultural related industries.
  • Must be incorporated in Zambia as a company or a cooperative/association;
  • Must be compliant with all national and local laws and regulations; including meeting all obligations relating to the payment of taxes and social security contribution and relevant health and safety and environmental standards;
  • Must be a for-profit entity;
  • Must demonstrate experience in the project proposal for current or future integration of smallholder farmers in existing or new value chain(s) in the project’s areas;
  • For size A-Larger Companies, the business must have at least three (3) years of uninterrupted operations in Zambia at the date of application, with focus on eligible activities (see above for more specific examples), or
  • For size B-Smaller Companies, the business must have at least two (2) years of uninterrupted operations in Zambia at the date of application, with focus on eligible activities (see above for more specific examples).
  • For size A-Larger Companies, the business must have a yearly turnover in one of the last two (2) years of at least EUR 200,000 as evidenced by audited accounts, or
  • For size B-Smaller Companies, the business must have a yearly turnover in one of the last two (2) years of at least EUR 100,000 and at most, EUR 500,000 as evidenced by audited accounts.
  • Must be able to contribute at least 50% of the project cost through a blend of cash and cash equivalents, credit or equity from own or third-party sources.
  • For size A-Larger Companies, the business must have three (3) years of financial statements including audited accounts for the two (2) most recent years plus management accounts for the third year. The audited accounts should have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by an accountant accredited by the Zambia Institute of Certified Accountants (ZICA), or;
  • For size B-Smaller Companies, the business must have two (2) years of financial statements including audited accounts for the most recent year plus management accounts for the second year. The audited accounts should have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by an accountant accredited by the Zambia Institute of Certified Accountants (ZICA),
  • Must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the implementing partners, not acting as an intermediary.
  • The lead applicant must meet all the eligibility criteria in its own right and will be held accountable for the implementation of the action including the management and accountability of the implementing partner(s). Therefore, applicants are encouraged to carefully vet their implementing partners to ensure they are operating legally in line with the laws of Zambia and have the capacity to fulfil the role outlined in the proposed project.

    The financial support requested from Enterprise Zambia Challenge Fund is likely to be within the following range for each project

    ● Size A- Larger Companies: EUR 200,000 to EUR 1,000,000
    ● Size B- Smaller Companies: EUR 70,000 to EUR 300,000

    The Challenge Fund will award financial support to cover a maximum of 50% of the total value of the proposal.