The Challenge FundProject Portfolio

Fund Recipients


Alliance Ginneries Ltd

Alliance Ginneries Ltd is a company that specialises in cotton ginning. It is part of the Alliance Ginneries Group that also operates in Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Alliance Ginneries sources raw cotton from smallholder farmers for processing into cotton lint, while cotton seed is sold for the production of cooking oil and animal feed. Alliance Ginneries also trades and processes other crops such as soya and cowpeas. .

Project Profile

Copperbelt Forestry Company

Copperbelt Forestry Company Limited is a vertically integrated business engaged in forest plantation establishment, silvicultural operations, harvesting, processing and distributing various industrial and domestic wood products. Its core product groups are transmission and building poles, hardwood timber, softwood timber, plywood, blockboards, doors and assorted furniture.

Project Profile

CHC Commodities Limited

CHC Commodities Ltd is a Zambian agricultural service provider whose primary business is warehousing, buying and brokering of agricultural commodities. CHC’s m ain focus is on grain storage and handling, processing of agricultural commodities, financing crop production and supply of agricultural inputs.

Project Profile

Good Nature Agro Products Ltd

Good Nature Agro produces legumes for seed and export. The business works with smallholder farmers by providing inputs, financing, training and market access. GNA is currently working with 15,000 smallholder farmers through this model with 4,000 in seed and 11,000 in commodities.

Project Profile

Stewards Globe Limited – Afriseed

Stewards Globe Limited T/A AFRISEED, is a diversified agricultural inputs company. The company produces and markets improved seed varieties of cereal, oil and legume crops with the aim of increasing farm productivity and incomes while contributing to household food and nutrition security. The company also markets vegetable seeds, crop nurturing and protection products.

Project Profile